Monday, June 28

Monday: A wonderful beginning to a wonderful week.

I had a young lad from the City of Angels come visit me all the way up in this ginormous heat wave this weekend.  It was a relaxing and marvelous.  Honestly, if I didn't have visitors, I'd probably be stuck inside being lazy all day... just like today, actually!  I actually got enough energy to wake up at 11:23am to find that my digital clock is still broken.  I managed to get out of bed at the crack of dawn and pulled myself together to make a trip to the library where I borrowed at least 11 different movies/tv series.  I watched "Boy in the Striped Pajamas" and am currently getting through the first season of Gilmore Girls.

Now I am taking a short break from ... well ...... umm.. and I'm blogging!  I actually decided to cook something for my mom and I tonight, but she's not eating home tonight so I will save that for tomorrow.

I love all the wood, frames, and especially the lights.

Now... back to the tube.

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